
The Collections S/S 2013 Day 1 - What I wore

On Day 1 I went a little 90s grunge. I had to run home from school, dress myself in 10 minutes (impossibleeeeee) and run out the door to get myself to The Collections' loft on Queen St. in time for the opening show. Since I was a frantic mess when I got home (with greasy wind-blown hair thanks to my lovely bicycle) I just hairsprayed the shit out of it and pulled it into one of those slick-ish messy ponytails. I had never done it before so I was kinda taking a risk but I guess it all turned out okay in the end. Once my face and hair looked kinda presentable I ran over to my closet and pulled the one piece I knew I wanted to wear, my black Zara maxi skirt, and threw it on. Then I was screwed.. I couldn't find a top. EVERYTHING was in the wash. I was totally unprepared. So I put on whatever top was nearest to me on the floor. It happened to be the gray Brandy Melville top I had bought a few days earlier with a cut-out skull back. When I finally threw myself towards the front door, shoes in hand, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I was basically goth-city. Whatevs. It was Fashion Week.

For your enjoyment - my day 1 ensemble.

Bathroom selfy...yeah, I know...
Skull shot
Photo: shedoesthecity.com
Making Tiffany more hardcore
Spotted in the front row at the Label show. Wish I didn't frown so much.
Photo: MTV.ca
Photo: Chloe Wise

Oh, and did I mention, this was birthday. GOOD TIMES! xxxx

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