
Zeum Magazine's February 2015 issue gives Lookbook Cookbook some love!

Oh my gosh! Just look what keeps resurfacing... Good thing Lookbook Cookbook creator and photographer Jessica Milan is awesome at what she does! These photos were take so long ago but here they are again in the February 2015 issue of Zeum Magazine! Zeum is published in Toronto but printed and stocked in the UK (don't worry... this is the first I've heard of too...) Congrats on the new press Jess! xxxx

Zeum Magazine
"This We Like"

Photo by Jessica Milan
Styling by Elayne Millar
for Lookbook Cookbook
Published in Zeum Magazine, February issue 
Interested in reading more about my work with LCBC or checking out some behind-the-scenes fun? Check out some of my older posts! There's a whole bunch of fashion, styling, modeling and snacking going on down there ;) Enjoy!

- Runawaylove for lookbookcookbook

- Runawaylove for lookbookcookbook 2.0

- Runawaylove x lookbookcookbook 5.0

- Styling for lookbookcookbook

and many many more.


London, London, London - An outfit post

Dear Canadian fashion and style,

Please do us all a favour and be more like the United Kingdom (preferably more like London). I know you try to be cool and "with it" by scooping up whatever trends and hand-me-downs big sister America is letting you get away with but what you haven't realized is that you're looking to the wrong fashion nation. American fashion is baby food compared to European fashion and doesn't even stand a chance against the style and creativity that oozes off EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the glorious, grundgy-yet-sophisticated, amazingness that is London. Street style for days. Every where you look there is a fashion goddess in an outfit so perfect you can't help but stare. EVERYONE looks freaking epic all. the. time. It's like being effortlessly stylish is embedded in a Londoner's DNA. 

I know, I can hear you now... "but we are Canadians, how can we compete with that?" It's hard for us to get pass America and the besties/popular-girl-fake-friendship she has with European fashion. America gets all the goodies first, wears the shit out of it, then dilutes it until it's fast-fashion knock-off shit. Then it's passed on to us. HOW BLOODY BRILLIANT...

Yes. I know. It's not our fault. We're just not as popular as America. Europe doesn't really know we exist... We will get her attention soon enough. For now Canada, all I ask is that you do yourself a favour and look to Europe for fashion inspiration. Get pass the bitchy sister and the lame stuff she's been giving you.  Be creative, be yourself, be effortlessly stylish like our friends across the pond!

Tell American Vogue you need to see other people and give British or French Vogue a call. You don't know what you're missing.

Lots of love,

Elayne Millar
a concerned fashion-loving Canadian living in the UK.

Had to get it off my chest. For those of you who don't know, I've moved once again and am now living in the United Kingdom - Cambridge, Cambridgeshire to be exact, which is a 45 minute train ride away from the fashion Mecca city of London! OH EM GEE.

Every time I visit London I come home with bags and bags of glorious new outfits, pieces, and/or accessories and the nasty foot-long receipts that come along with them... (curse you Pound...you evil Canadian-Dollar-eating monster.)

Here is an outfit made up of pieces I found during my last visit. My new favourite items: TURTLENECKS AND SKORTS! Skort, Skort, Skort - best word in the dictionary.

Long-sleeve turtleneck crop top in gray from Zara
 with a black paisley print skort from TopShop


Toronto's World MasterCard Fashion Week F/W 2013 - Street styling

With Toronto Fashion Week comes the inevitable hoard of fashion bloggers and street style photographers, all of whom scour the tents and front steps of David Pecaut Square for interesting outfits, people and celebrities. As annoying as Toronto's fashion people want to pretend these bloggers/photographers are, the reality is we all secretly love them and are almost never actually annoyed when they want to take our photograph. Pfff saying no to free press? I don't think so. Possible new readers/followers? Come on now. That's just stupid. So here are some photos of me taken by some of Canada's fashion blogs and magazines such as shedoesthecity.com, Indecent Xposure, MTV Flora, FASHION, FAJO, and FLARE Magazine.

Here's a shot from style and fashion blog shedoesthecity.com taken at the Holt Renfrew after party on Day 1 of WMCFW.  Just hanging with some of my big-time Toronto fashion media friends. You know, just chillin. The party was great! Wanna read more about it? Click here.

long-sleeved leopard print tail dress from Forever 21,
black faux-fur shrug and black leather Western belt from H&M
Photo: shedoesthecity
Day 2 was a blur... I think I was working on the Laura Siegel behind-the-scenes feature I wrote for the National Post that day so I didn't spend much time at the tents. The feature turned out really well (after all my bloody hard work....) and I got a chance to hang out backstage and catch all the last minute, heat-of-the-moment runway action. I even snagged a little video of our girl Laura when it was all over. Check it out here!

Day 3 was a fun day of live blogging for the National Post. I basically had to run around from show to show speed tweeting and posting ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. It was mad. But I quickly got the hang of things and started posting some pretty witty stuff. (I'm not a Twitter person.. like AT ALL... so I was pretty proud of myself when I got email props from my editors back at the Post) Anyway, while running around like a frantic fashion chicken sans tête I posed for FAJO Magazine and once again for shedoesthecity.com.

yellow Chanel-inspired jacket from Zara, white American Apparel fitted crop top
orange satchel clutch from Aldo, patterned high-low skirt (tail skirt) from H&M
black leather and wood boots from Urban Outfitters
photo: shedoesthecity.com  
photo: FAJO Magazine
On Day 4 I caught the attention of several street style photographers with my "Bitch don't kill my vibe" tank from Brandy Melville. Thanks to Montreal's Indecent Xposure and FASHION magazine for the free press!

Levy's leather jacket, Brandy Melville tank over white and black striped H&M blouse
paired with vintage velvet bellbottom pants
photo: Indecent Xposure
photo: Indecent Xposure
photo: FASHION Magazine
hehe a little shout-out to my statement tee ;)
Look MOM! My name is in a FASHION Magazine article!!
screenshot: fashionmagazine.com
Day 5 was a blessing (YES IT WAS OVER! I COULD BREATHE AGAIN!) and a curse (NOOOO IT'S OVER WAHHHH! I HATE REAL LIFE). It was the last day of Toronto's World MasterCard Fashion week F/W 2013 and my entire wardrobe was sprawled out on the floor of my apartment. Sorry, but when your job is to get your Fash'On and strut around Fashion Week trying to look important, there is NO TIME for cleaning or putting away clothes. On Day 5 I was running out of outfit options... so I went with this one. MTV thought it was cute and grabbed a photo of me on my way to the Travis Taddeo show. They also asked me to be a part of their "Favourite Street-styler's mixtape". Pretty cool stuff.

looking a little fat faced in my leather-sleeved Zara cropped navy military jacket,
vintage blouse in navy silk, black disco pants from American Apparel
and my trusty black suede Lita boots by Jeffery Campbell
photo: MTV FLORA
Check out the playlist! It's actually really cool.
screenshot: MTV FLORA